Brucke (the husband), Kenya (the wife), and Troy (the boy)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Almost 3 !!

My baby will be 3 on June 21st. I can't believe it. Time flies.  I am so proud of him! Here are some things that he is doing:
 1) Counting to 10 in English and Spanish.
2) He knows most all of his colors.
3) His Speech is really good! He can carry on a conversation, and says some of the funniest things. Lately, when I do something for him, He says "That makes me happy, Mom!" ~~sweet!
4) Not Potty trained :(    I have to remind him to potty, and sometimes he simply refuses, arching his back and screaming " I don't wanna go potty!!!" ...So frustrating!
5) I have just learned that he is really great with hand/eye coordination. We got him a tee and ball set for his birthday. Can't wait to sign him up for Tball. He also has a set of golf clubs, he does good with that too.
6) He trips me out singing! He will be like "Row, Row Row your boat gently down the stream...and Jesus loves the little children...Twinkle Twinkle little star...." You get the picture!
7)  Finally showing some interest in TV. I know I know. Kids shouldn't watch much TV, but my goodness it's nice to say watch Spongebob while Mommy cooks supper!!
8) He isn't sleeping good anymore!  He gets out of bed every night and ask for something to drink, then gets in the bed with us. It also takes foreeevvvverr to get him to fall asleep at night. Last night, he laid down at 8:30, but didn't actually go to sleep until after 11:00! This part is driving me nuts! I love my sleep!
8)  He still loves outside! If it rains on a saturday, It's a bad day at the Brucke house! I'm glad he enjoys being outdoors though.
9)  Saying his night time prayers. This is such a sweet part of the day!
10)  He doesn't care much for coloring. He colors for like 2 min. and he's like I'm done!


  1. Awww, I remember the day he was born!! It doesn't seem like he should be three already!!!
