Brucke (the husband), Kenya (the wife), and Troy (the boy)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Big News

I'm Pregnant!  This is a huge suprise. I'm scared and excited at the same time. I just assumed we would not have anymore children. God is good. Right now, I'm worried about how we are going to afford another child, the doctor bills, etc. Anmed still gets 20 dollars a month from 2006 when we had all those test done to figure out why we couldn't get pregnant.

Everyone wants the baby to be a girl, even Troy. He said he wants a baby sister and he was going to change her diaper. I will call the Doctor today to set up an appt. I'm thinking I'm around 5 weeks. Please keep us in your prayers!


  1. Congrats Kenya and Brucke and especially big brother Troy! This will be so exciting for him! :)

  2. We certainly will keep you guys in our prayers. How exciting!
